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keith haring birthdayGet hand-picked stories from our editors delivered straight to your inbox every day.<\/p>' Renowned street artist Keith Haring would have turned 58 today. + ' @media (max-width: 767px){ .close-signup {top:0 !important;} }' $('body').append(ouibounceScript); //hide on mobile phones Own a Keith Haring In Honor of His Birthday! bottom: 0
No one should get sick and die just because they are poor, or because they cannot access the health services they need.”. The Alphabet", Albertina, Vienna, Austria, "Keith Haring", Gladstone Gallery, Bruxelles, Belgio. Le sue opere fanno ricorso a uno stile immediato e festivo e sono popolate da personaggi stilizzati e bidimensionali, quali bambini, cani, angeli, mostri, televisori, computer, figure di cartoon e piramidi; iconico, in tal senso, è l'utilizzo di colori molto vividi e accattivanti che ricordano quelli usati dalla grafica pubblicitaria, l'adozione di una spessa linea di contorno ridotta all'essenziale che circoscrive le anzidette figure. }, 5000); break; function loadJQuery() { AIDS Walk New York, 2017. “The first thing I sold I got $135. } Today, on May 4 2019, the artist would have turned 61. The Keith Haring Foundation is proud to support AIDS Walk New York, the largest one-day AIDS fundraising event in the world. On being an artist: // Show signup failure error and hide other errors But he also understood the value of his work in the art market, so he sold to the art world’s elite. Queste sono le parole che lo stesso Haring rivolse a John Gruen, la cui biografia rimane la più completa fonte primaria per la comprensione di Haring come uomo e artista:[2], «My dad made cartoon characters for me, and they were very similar to the way I started to draw—with one line and a cartoon outline», «Mio padre realizzava per me personaggi dei cartoni animati, e questi erano simili a come disegnavo io - con un'unica linea e un contorno fumettistico», Furono proprio i personaggi dei fumetti come quelli di Walt Disney e di Dr. Seuss a esercitare su di lui un'influenza duratura. Cait Munro, Keith Haring's 54th Birthday May 4, 2012 Keith Haring's 54th Birthday In the early 1980s, as a native Manhattanite raised by and among artists, I was … Amanda Thomas, script.integrity = "sha256-hVVnYaiADRTO2PzUGmuLJr8BLUSjGIZsDYGmIJLv2b8="; “From the time I was little, things would happen that seemed like chance, but they always meant more, so I came to believe there was no such thing as chance. $.each(a, function () {

With connections including Andy Warhol, Grace Jones, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Madonna, Haring quickly embodied the energy of urban 1980's New York. closeSignupBar(); script.src = "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"; if (!o[this.name].push) { $form.find('.errors').children().hide(); Sono risalito in strada fino ad una cartoleria e ho comprato una confezione di gessetti bianchi, sono tornato in metropolitana e ho fatto un disegno su quel pannello.

The drawings were abstract, but you’d see things in them.”, On moving forward: Posters", Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Amburgo, Germania, "Keith Haring: About Art", Palazzo Reale, Milano, "Keith Haring and Japan: Pop to Neo-Japonism", Nakamura Keith Haring Collection, Kobuchisawa, Giappone, "Maquis-art Hall Of Fame", Musée de L'Aérosol, Paris, "Keith Haring: Art is Life, Life is Art", Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Seoul, Corea del Sud, "Keith Haring", Gladstone Gallery, New York", "Drawing Social Impact", Nakamura Keith Haring Collection, Kobuchizawa, Giappone, "Keith Haring: the Chicago Mural" Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL, "Keith Haring. * There is probably no need to call this directly - use setNewsletterCookie(). return o; Keith Haring would have been 60 years old today had he not succumbed to AIDS related complications in 1990. }; $modal.find('.form-row').hide(); } setTimeout(function() { } Given the joy Haring spread throughout his short life, we are starting to think this may be a self portrait. Amah-Rose Abrams, Are you looking for Keith Haring's Age and Birthday date? var cookieSettings = { Keith Haring was born on May 4, 1958 in Reading, Pennsylvania, and was raised in nearby Kutztown, Pennsylvania. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- Keith Haring (Reading, 4 maggio 1958 – New York, 16 febbraio 1990) è stato un pittore e writer statunitense. appendNewsletterSignup(); // Signup validation + 'Please enter a valid email address' Haring, who was born to a cartoonist father in Pennsylvania, grew up inspired by the smile-inducing imagery of Walt Disney and Dr. Seuss. } $.ajax({ Today is National Voter Registration Day! $form.find('.invalid-email').show().siblings().hide(); He dropped out of Pittsburgh's Ivy School of Professional Art and moved to New York, where he began sketching chalk figures of dogs in subway stations. One of his emblematic images is the "radiant baby," a soft, bright crawling form from which light bursts forth in every direction.

After moving to New York, Haring organized shows at alternative places such as a basement on St. Mark’s Place, Club 57, and a Polish church which he renamed the Mudd Club. setTimeout(function() { defernl() }, 250); */

* Generic setCookie() method, used by setNewsletterCookie(). } La sua iconografia apparentemente infantile veicola messaggi semplici, chiari e immediatamente intellegibili che riguardano diversi temi scottanti della sua epoca, quali il capitalismo, il razzismo, l'ingiustizia sociale, l'apartheid, il riarmo nucleare, la droga e l'AIDS[18], non mancando di affrontare anche argomenti come l'amore, la felicità, la gioia e il sesso. //hide form fields and show thank-you message Today is the birthday of Pop-street art darling Keith Haring. © FamousBirthdays.com - use subject to the information collection practices disclosed in our Privacy Policy.

Nel corso della sua vita, Haring veicolò numerosi messaggi politici tramite la sua arte. + '<\/div>' while (c.charAt(0)==' ') { }, 7500); $form.find('.signup-failed').show().siblings().hide(); As we continue the fight against HIV/AIDS, it is critical that we understand that healthcare is a human right. [19], La versatilità delle opere di Haring trascende i mezzi espressivi tradizionali, tanto che per dare sfogo al proprio inesauribile estro artistico egli non esitò a sfruttare qualsiasi elemento avesse portata di mano: le sue opere sono tracciate su muri, carrozzerie di automobili, teloni in vinile, capi di abbigliamento, carta, plastica recuperata dagli scarti, e tela. Part of HuffPost Entertainment. } $('body').on( 'click', '.close-signup', function(){ Psychedelic shapes would come like automatic writing, come out of my unconscious. } sensitivity: 50, } } Nonostante la sua morte prematura, l'immaginario di Haring è diventato un linguaggio visuale universalmente riconosciuto del XX secolo[17]. All Rights Reserved.var w = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0), The work combines excerpts from popular chart music of the 1980s with samples of classical music compositions by Lorenzo Ferrero and synthesized sounds. [4] Nel 1979 stringe amicizia con un artista emergente di Brooklyn: Jean-Michel Basquiat, col quale rimase amico fino alla morte di quest'ultimo avvenuta due anni prima della sua.
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