Digital signage is a communication and marketing tool that can be used to broadcast multimedia information in public places from a screen, a wall of screens or with a video projector. The screens can show consumers
additional information about the products or the services provided.
Digital Signage platform can help your business: in Retail Stores, Hotels, Hospitals, Academic Institutions, Corporations, Advertising Network and much more. It’s particularly suitable for retails advertising and for public information
in places with passing traffic or where people are waiting.
Lately, digital signage is also adopted a lot by advertising agencies that have screens all around a city and resell advertising slots to advertisers for the promotion of their brands. This practice has developed in recent years with
the emergence of programmatic.
Featured Uses
Internal information – corporate messages, such as health & safety items, news and so forth.
Product information – pricing, photos, raw materials or ingredients, suggested applications and other product information – especially useful in food marketing where signage may include nutritional facts or suggested uses or recipes.
Advertising and Promotion – promoting products or services, may be related to the location of the sign or using the screen’s audience reach for general advertising.
Brand building – in-store digital sign to promote the brand and build a brand identity.
Influencing customer behavior – navigation, directing customers to different areas, increasing the “dwell time” on the store premises and a wide range of other uses in service of such influence.
Influencing product or brand decision-making – Signage at the point of sale designed to influence choice e.g. Signage to help shoppers to choose dresses inside a fashion store or devices that on a computerized shopping trolley helping the customer locate products, check prices, access product information and manage shopping lists.
Navigation – with interactive screens (in the floor, for example, as with “informational footsteps” found in some tourist attractions, museums and the like) or with other means of “dynamic wayfinding”.
Reservations – small, interactive screens on walls or desks that allow employees to reserve the space for a limited time and integrate with a room and resource scheduling platform.
- Eye Catching
- Right Place, Right Time
- Save Cost and Time
- Real-time updating
- Maximized Return On Investment
- Corporate image
- Public Area
- Shopping Area
- Lobby
- Meeting Room
- Restaurants
- Hospitality
- Personalized digital content